
Value Proposition

PolyXena Strategies value proposition is quite simple. We provide qualified, experienced sales and marketing capabilities to our clients for very little upfront costs.

 PXS seeks to form “success based” partnerships with our clients. PXS is assuming the same risks as our clients by investing equivalent time and effort of our sales and marketing expertise to generate revenue.

Typically PXS seeks to form partnerships with companies that have developed technologies that lend themselves to OEM, enterprise licensing, or acquisition. These types of sales arrangements while large and complex, lead to ongoing, sustainable revenue for both our clients and PXS.

Our clients have an on-board, dedicated team of sales and marketing professionals, for almost no cost. By comparison, a single full time senior level sales professional would cost upwards of $100,000 per year including salary, draw, incentives and fringe benefits.  With no guarantee of success.

PXS value proposition eliminates that risk for our clients by forming an appropriate risk/reward partnership.   We realize each individual client has special requirements and we negotiate each partnership on a case-by-case basis.